Sunday, October 24, 2010

Daedelus' Music!!!

      Lately I have been listening to a musician/producer/artist/highly creative individual who has a very unique style by the name of Daedelus. I originally heard his music in 2004 when I bought a record titled, “The Weather” which is an album that consists of the lyricists, Busdriver and Radioinactive, and the beat maker/producer Daedelus. At that time I didn’t know that Daedelus had solo music, or have any idea who he was. I had only previously listened to the 2 emcees who were on the album. Anyway, the mix of these three styles totally got my attention, and both lyrically and instrumentally I hadn’t heard anything like it, it was gritty, in your face, and sloppy in a really smooth way, sort of like how old school punk rock is, but not at all. I was living in Seattle when I got this record, and partying quite a bit, so it’s no big surprise that somewhere between there, San Francisco, and New York I lost it. However, it was always in the back of my mind as something that was really good.
      Anyhow, years went by as they do, and I saw Busdriver play some shows here and there. I would remember this avante guard trio, and the beats of Daedelus momentarily during these shows, however these thoughts were fleeting and I would eventually forget about the record that I loved so much in 04’ again.
      A long time went by and surprisingly enough in 2008 when I was in an electronic music class at City College of San Francisco we watched a video on a certain type of music style called circuit bending. The video was very cool, and in it the name Daedelus came up. Here is the video:

From that moment on he stuck out in my mind as someone who is definitely doing something exciting with sound. It is just recently that I have really started listening to his music (him as a solo artist that is), and what I am finding thus far is inspiring as hell.  I love the song and video for “La Nocturn” from his album “Friends of Friends Vol. 1” 2009. Its title and video are perfect for the song.  The video produced by Eli Stonberg is colorful and brilliant, dark and shiny, but I can’t do it justice with words, here it is:

The music in this song, however, is quite different than the first music of his I heard, more melodic, and atmospheric, while the latter was more gritty and low-tech. Here is a song off his 2002 album “Invention” titled “Muggle Born” which may sound a little more like I described his music earlier:

      What these two songs, and his other works show me is that he is an artist with a wide range of capabilities, and that he is willing to push the envelope. What I have found in listening to his music is that I never am sure what I am going to get, but I can be sure that it is going to be something innovative. Check him out at: 

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